Saturday, April 30, 2011

Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor 2011

Welcome to charming rustic spirit of a colorful home decor. This two-level colorful house rehabilitated by Joaquin Diaz while respecting the traditional features of the initial building. According to Delikatissen, the first floor houses the common areas, a small bathroom and an apartment designed for guests who come visit.
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor1
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor1
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor2
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor2
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor3
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor3
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor4
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor4
The bedrooms are on the top floor, around a common living room. Wood finishes such as wooden floors, beams and pillars connect the spaces. But the life of this project is given by its colorful decorations: Andy Warhol posters, playful pillows, original furniture items and beautiful flower arrangements- they all contribute to a vivid and fresh atmosphere.
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor5
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor5
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor6
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor6
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor7
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor7
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor8
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor8
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor9
Charming Rustic Spirit of a Colorful Home Decor9

Perfect Modern Home Design by Villa VH en T in Belgium

Perfect Modern Home Design by Villa VH en T in Belgium pool children
Perfect Modern Home Design by Villa VH en T in Belgium,originally developed to house a vast collection of art owned by the owner. It houses a beautiful and creative comes from the architect Achtergael & Beel, has a total area of 862 m2 and is located in Flanders, Belgium. The plan is to create a “small world”, organizing all rooms on ground floor, in a U shape around an open terrace. The room is the focal point of any residence and a place where guests can meet, have fun and talk about art while I really admire. Windows floor to ceiling and walls painted with white to change the architecture of the project to be “clean” (read “not guilty”), a decent house features find step by step. Filip Dujardin via Platform

Design houses with Original Architecture by Designed Mecanoo Architects

Contemporary Interior Home design Ideas of Las Lomas House outdoors
Las Lomas House Contemporary interior home design ideas is a design house in Buenos Aires, Argentina It is designed with a good connection to the privacy outdoors.To ensure the design house of home owners still have privacy from the street, the architect who has offices in Buenos Aires and New York, has designed the facade with several openings, in contrast to the altitude again, almost all glass. At the rear, the main volume is cut to form the park and this, together with glass walls, inviting nature into the house, blurring the division between exterior and interior. Read the rest of this entry »

Loft Bedroom Community 10 tips to get a feel Urban Loft in Home with Modern furniture

loft bedroom community 10 tips to get a feel Urban Loft in Home with modern furniture living room1
1)loft bedroom community 10 tips to get a feel Urban Loft in Home with modern furniture:. minimalist and modern furniture is a “visible” idealistic urban loft. Clean line seating area, decoration, and a small key decorative element. Use the simple form and allows plenty of room to walk around furniture to maximize space, height and view.


children’s rooms use low or no volatile organic
Children, AOS rooms and play areas are always areas of concern for parents and care givers. When deciding to change the color of paint, refinish furniture, or renovating their rooms, friendly environment for their health and the earth, AOS health should be considered. Natural and green products that will help you rest easier at night, and help your home environment. Here are tips to renovate your child, room AOS natural and safe way.
WOOD finish: From the wood trim around windows and doors, to nursery furniture, your kids have a timber that may need to be refinished. Especially for toys and a crib that young children may chew, here are some suggestions for products Refinishing. Consider using safe food timber of oil that is used on wood cutting boards. For furniture painting and sealing using products derived from hemp and hemp seed oil that is nontoxic and safe for consumption. Some manufacturers of environmentally friendly, AO makes non-toxic tung oil and bees wood finishing products that are also safe for the coating and protects the wood.
Read the rest of this entry »

How to Upgrade the Exterior of Contemporary Home Design on a budget

Here is a How to Upgrade the Exterior of Contemporary Home Design on a budget.Even if the interior of your home is where you live and play, the exterior of your home is what makes it “shine” to your house to the neighbors! While many think that to upgrade the exterior of your house requires a big budget. By contrast, detail and overall curb appeal will raise the outside of your home without having to spend a little paychecks for great results. Regardless of season, there’s always improvements you can do outdoors.
upgrade contemporary exterior home ideas
upgrade contemporary exterior home ideas
* Curb appeal can go far: Before spending a dime on your physical home, look to your yard, landscaping, sidewalks, and front entrance door. In all these areas, a few hours of work on site to fix your property can go a long way. Cut and trim the grass or rake leaves and clear debris from fallen trees around the yard. Hide trash cans and recycle bins out of sight from the public in general. Step away from the other side of the street and see if the new landscaping, mulch, or just general sweeping and tidying the garden will make your home look better. Read the rest of this entry »

Amazing Apartment Interior Design of Living in the Baltic Coast

Here is an Apartment interior design with a feeling of life and are designed on the shores of Baltic Coast in Kaliningrad, Russia. Flat consists of living room, bedroom, kitchen with dining area, bathroom and lobby. Each has something that gives you the feeling that you live on the beach. For example, the lounge has a large photo prints on the wall shows the sand dunes on the beach. Lighting in the room has three modes: white, blue and green.
Apartment Interior Design which gives a feeling of Living in the Baltic Coast room 16
Apartment Interior Design which gives a feeling of Living in the Baltic Coast room (16)
There are many metal accessories carefully placed around the room help create a water surface under imitiate sun. Bathroom light panels with pictures of the sea. Except that the way to the sink made with mosaic tiles made of stone. Tiles support the theme of the sea and has a massage effect. The kitchen, dining room and lobby done in colors reminiscent of the early Baltic autumn.
Apartment Interior Design which gives a feeling of Living in the Baltic Coast room 15
Apartment Interior Design which gives a feeling of Living in the Baltic Coast room (15)

contemporary beach design

Here is 3600 square foot beach house was designed by Hughes Umbanhowar Architects.  Houses located on Jupiter Island, Florida, separated in three areas: the rest space, entertaining space , and contemplative living space. Each segment of this contemporary beach house is oriented to capture light and views. Fritted glass ceramic kitchen and dining room produces translucent light and visual play for south-facing room. Textured face of the north-facing bedroom underscores the ancient wisdom of worn stone, a sensitivity perfect for intimate spaces soft morning light and tranquility wrapped it in line. Located on the beach, the house affords direct access to water, strengthen the close relationship to the site and spontaneity of island life.
Contemporary beach house with rooftop swimming pool exterior view Contemporary Beach House Design with Rooftop Swimming Pool
Contemporary beach house design with rooftop swimmingpool
Contemporary beach house design with rooftop swimmingpool Contemporary Beach House Design with Rooftop Swimming Pool
Contemporary beach house with rooftop swimming pool – exterior view

home in location beach

Contemporary beach house with rooftop swimming pool side view Contemporary Beach House Design with Rooftop Swimming Pool
Contemporary beach house with rooftop swimming pool – side view
Modern entrance of Contemporary beach house Contemporary Beach House Design with Rooftop Swimming Pool
Modern entrance of Contemporary beach house
Interior design of Contemporary beach house Contemporary Beach House Design with Rooftop Swimming Pool
Interior design of Contemporary beach house
Though without lamp this home still looks bright because the light is provided by the oriented segments Contemporary Beach House Design with Rooftop Swimming Pool
Though without lamp this home still looks bright because the light is provided by the oriented segments
Wide glazing wall to provide light Contemporary Beach House Design with Rooftop Swimming Pool
Wide glazing wall to provide light
We can see through the swimming pool in the living room Contemporary Beach House Design with Rooftop Swimming Pool
We can see through the swimming pool from the living room
The rooftop swimmingpool provide panoramic ocean view Contemporary Beach House Design with Rooftop Swimming Pool
The rooftop swimmingpool provide panoramic ocean view
The pool chair also used as beach chair Contemporary Beach House Design with Rooftop Swimming Pool
The pool chair also used as beach chair

Google Enter your search terms Submit search form Web Sponsored Links Contemporary Family Residence by Wilkinson Blender Architects

dream home interior design photos
Wilkinson Blender 2.0 Architects manage to turn a funeral home into a fully renovated, contemporary family residence. Two steps are involved in the renovation. The first is interior renovation and the second is an addition of a 3-story garage, family room and yoga studio. The only original aspect of the funeral home still retained is the periphery, such as the moldings on the sidewalls of the main level. Most of the interior has been turned into a simple and modern setting with neutral shades of Grey, beige, black and white. Natural building material such as wood and stone are used extensively throughout the house. This gives accentuation to the kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms. Design & photos by Wilkinson Blender Architects
luxury residential interior  

Friday, April 29, 2011

home japan modern

Japanese Room with Samurai sword  :]

Exclusive Media Room Home Theatre

Family Hall



Fascinating Pool

My own SPA

I wish I have a house with these designs someday..Owhh what a  wonderful place it will be.. for me and my lovely family.. :]

Permainan fasad sebagai upaya meningkatkan “value” rumah

Project Type : Housing (Perumahan)
Architect : Mario Andreti ST
Client/Owner : PT. Citra Multikon Jaya
Location : Tanjung Uban, Pulau Bintan, Kep. Riau, Indonesia
Status : Under Construction
Expected Completition : 2010 Kepulauan Riau merupakan salah satu provinsi yang cukup berkembang di Indonesia. Terdiri dari pulau-pulau yang menyebar dan transportasi air menjadi pilihan utama saat ini di provinsi ini. Pulau Batam, sebagai salah satu bagian dari provinsi ini menjadi daerah yang paling berkembang. Ditengah perkembangannnya yang cukup pesat diikuti dengan perkembangan daerah sekitarnya, antara lain pulau Bintan, sebagai satu pulau besar yang dekat dengan pulau Batam. Dikarenakan harga tanah di Pulau Batam yang kian meningkat tajam,saat ini pulau Bintan menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk tinggal atau memiliki rumah bagi para karyawan yang bekerja di Batam. Sehingga kebutuhan akan unit rumah di pulau Bintan pun meningkat. Sang Developer yaitu PT Citra Multikon Jaya mencoba mengambil peluang tersebut untuk membuat unit-unit perumahan di pulau Bintan ini dan mengambil lokasi di daerah Tanjung Uban, dikarenakan ketersedian pelabuhan dan dekat dengan posisi pulau Batam.
Masterplan :
Konsep pengembangan perumahan ini akan dibuat menjadi 2 tipe bangunan yaitu tipe 48 dan tipe 36 dengan luas tanah perkavling terkecil yaitu 104 m2. Cukup besar untuk sebuah perumahan saat ini terutama jika dibandingkan dengan perumahan di kota-kota besar dan Batam. Pasar yang dituju oleh perumahan ini adalah masyarakat dengan ekonomi menengah, dimana mereka baru akan mapan dalam pekerjaanya dan membutuhkan unit rumah sebagai tempat mereka tinggal,dimana sebagian besar para karyawan yang bekerja di Batam adalah orang-orang rantauan atau bukan asli Batam, sehingga mereka memiliki pertimbangan lebih jauh untuk harus memiliki rumah yang sekedar cukup mereka tempati dalam jangka waktu tertentu hingga pekerjaan mereka benar-benar telah mapan.
Tipe 36 :

Saat proses diskusi mengenai desain dengan pihak klien yaitu developer, kami berupaya membuat layout denah yang lebih memprioritaskan kepada jumlah unit kamar serta fleksibilitas tinggi dalam kemungkinan pengembangan ke depannya nanti. Prioritas pada jumlah kamar diputuskan untuk menangkap peluang kemungkinan unit-unit rumah ini juga difungsikan sebagai rumah kontrakan bersama oleh karyawan-karyawan yang belum berkeluarga. Serta kemungkinan fleksibilitas pengembangan ke depan yang jauh lebih mudah, dimana jika hanya dibutuhkan 1 unit kamar saja, maka kamar kedua bisa difungsikan sebagai dapur dan ruang makan. Atau jika memang dibutuhkan 2 kamar maka dapur bisa diposisikan sementara di teras belakang hingga akhirnya suatu saat dilakukan renovasi untuk mengembangkan area belakang menjadi unit-unit fungsi yang lebih baik.
Peletakkan bangunan yang dioptimalkan berada di depan dan lebih dekat ke jalan dengan membuat halaman depan hingga 3 meter dari tepi jalan ditujukan agar halaman belakang yang bisa benar-benar optimal untuk pengembangan suatu saat nanti. Dimana pada perumahan-perumahan di Indonesia ada kecendrungan selalu mengembangkan rumah dan menambah unit-unit fungsi pada area belakang.
Tipe 48 :

Pada bagian fasad bangunan setelah berdiskusi cukup panjang, diambil sebuah keputusan untuk membuat fasad bangunan agak tinggi seolah-olah bangunan 2 lantai pada bagian tengah bangunan dalam upaya mendongkrak “nilai” bangunan unit rumah ini serta memberi kesan “mewah”, namun tetap meminimalkan ornamen dan finishing material bangunan agar bisa tetap menjaga nilai jual sehingga target pasar tetap terjaga. Sehingga solusi ini diharapkan bisa menjadikan kawasan perumahan ini optimal dari sisi fungsi dan penampilan.
Brosur :

Tetap Fokus, Konsisten , dan Sukses selalu
Stay Focused, Consistant, and Always Successful

interior sofa design

Living Room Interior Design with Modern Leather Sofa
Living Room Interior Design with Modern Leather Sofa
Living Room Interior Design with Modern Leather Sofa

The end result of the design your living family room will be determined by the furniture and colors that you select. The dominant furniture is sofa, table and cabinet. Choose a sofa, table and cabinet with the design, colors and sizes according to your room. Sometimes you do not have to change or replace everything.
Simple concept. Actually designing a living family room with not change everything that has been there. Shape and size of space is the main factor to be considered. Then is determine the style design, modern, contemporary or clasic. Read More..