Special Ministry Celebration Service and
Annual Congregational Meeting
March 25, 10:00 a.m.
A Ministry Celebration service will be held Sunday, March 25, at 10:00 a.m. This will be a special time as we look back and celebrate the ministry victories of 2006. There will be no Bible Fellowship, and overflow seating will be provided in the Fellowship Hall.
This Worship Service will be followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting. Items to be discussed are:
- Nominations from the Committee on Committees for members to serve on all church committees
- Presentation of the church’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2007-08 from the Budget Planning Committee in conjunction with the Finance Committee
- Any other business properly the subject of consideration by the congregation may be brought forward at this meeting
Even if you're attending a different church but haven't moved your membership, please plan to be there this Sunday, at least for the first annual meeting portion.
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